Covve’s AI-powered News Engine scans far and wide to find news affecting your contacts and serves it to you, curated and in time!

Covve scans over 100 English speaking sources to find news affecting your contacts’ companies.

All you need to do is add a company name to your contacts and then Covve will find any relevant information about your contact.

Any major news, affecting the companies your contacts work at, will appear in the contact News Tab.




This will give you the perfect excuse to reach out!



You can also 'Share' an interesting news story, or choose to 'Remove topic'




Tip: You can Supercharge your news by Upgrading to Pro!

With Supercharged News - We’ll be working extra hard to find pertinent news for your contacts and give you the perfect excuse to call them!


Update: You can now get your Covve News through Alexa!

Covve has now teamed up with Amazon Echo. Get the latest news affecting your contacts, without lifting a finger! Find out more here.